Conference feesRegistration to present at the conference is now closed. However, anyone is welcome to attend the conference by paying a fee of 10,000 Ar, though this will not include access to coffee breaks or meals -------- Early bird fees (before June 15th, 2024) Low and lower-middle income countries1:
Outher countries:
Regular fees (from June 15th to July 31st, 2024) Low and lower-middle income countries:
Outher countries:
The conference fee includes conference attendance, book of abstracts, lunches, coffee-breaks, poster printing (for poster presenters) and gala dinner. Accomodation and transportation are not included. Conference dinner (gala) for accompanying person: 25 €, the bus transportation included. Registration can be paid by bank transfer, by cheque, by MVola or by money transfer. Registration ends on July 31st, 2024. Here is the three-step procedure:
Cancellation Policy In the event of cancellation, please send a written notification to the conference organizer. If the notification is received before July 31st, 2024, registration fees will be refunded with a deduction of 60€. No refunds will be issued after August 1st, 2024.
If you have any questions or need information, please do not hesitate to contact the organizing team at the address: forstiaproject@gmail.com
1 according to the World Bank country classifications by income level https://datatopics.worldbank.org/world-development-indicators/the-world-by-income-and-region.html |
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